Impostors Anonymous Programme

6 x 120’ weekly sessions
Every Thursday 17-19:00 CET
Dates: 2nd June to 7th of July
Price: 627 Euros
Max group of 15 participants
A 6 weeks interactive and experiential online programme on how you can tame your Impostor – that part of you that thinks you are being a fraud and doesn’t deserve all the recognition and achievements you have reached so far. That part that thinks it’s all because of luck or some computer error that you have made it where you are and that you might soon be “discovered
You are not alone! So many of us battle with these Impostor feelings.
This is a thorough programme in which we will go through theory, practical exercises, sharing, supporting each other in this journey of gaining more confidence, showing up fully and celebrating your successes and achievements without the self-doubt chorus in your head

What you get: International crowd; tried and tested tools; accountability partner; invitations for practice and reflection between sessions; a manual for each session and an experienced programme leader that has been through this journey and has tried all the tools in this programme.

Impostors Anonymous Programme

6 x 120’ weekly sessions
Every Tuesday 17:00-19:00 CET
Dates: 24th January - 28th February
Price: 627 Euros
Max group of 10 participants
A 6 weeks interactive and experiential online programme on how you can tame your Impostor – that part of you that thinks you are being a fraud and doesn’t deserve all the recognition and achievements you have reached so far. That part that thinks it’s all because of luck or some computer error that you have made it where you are and that you might soon be “discovered
You are not alone! So many of us battle with these Impostor feelings.
This is a thorough programme in which we will go through theory, practical exercises, sharing, supporting each other in this journey of gaining more confidence, showing up fully and celebrating your successes and achievements without the self-doubt chorus in your head

What you get: International crowd; tried and tested tools; accountability partner; invitations for practice and reflection between sessions; a manual for each session and an experienced programme leader that has been through this journey and has tried all the tools in this programme.


Get to know your Impostor!

Your impostor can have many shades. What are the flavors and characteristics of your Impostor? How does it show up for you? When is it most active? What triggers the Impostor feelings?
We will figure out these questions and many more in the first session. You will create a clear picture of your Impostor; its habits; behaviors, patterns of thinking and all its ways of getting under your skin.
As our first session all together, we will take some time to create the safe container for all of us to show up fully in this programme. This is a fundamental time for all of us to show up authentically so as to get the most out of our time together.


What’s possible without your Impostor?

What space would open up if you were free of your Impostor? How would life be different? What could be possible?

What is that part of you that knows? That part of you that has clarity, vision, compassion, love, courage? 

Imagine a future where your Impostor is not calling the shots and you are being and acting from a place of peace, integrity and clarity: that future is possible! Vision it, feel it and live it! In this session we plant the seeds for that vision and create the roadmap on how to get there.


Your Impostor’s coping Strategies: the judge; perfectionism; pleaser; hyper-achiever; restless; victim; hyper-rational; hyper-vigilant; controller or worry, overthinking and ruminating endlessly

We mentioned your Impostor’s many colourful shades in the first session. Here we will go deeper to see what they are exactly. We have created all of these coping mechanisms of our Impostor so that we can create more belonging and a feeling that we matter. What is yours? How is it serving you now? What are the costs you are paying?


Strategies to tame your Impostor

Having created a quite clear picture of what your Impostor looks like; what are its coping mechanisms and what vision you hold for yourself, now it is time to practice different strategies to create a life where your Impostor is not running the show. 
Here you are given many tools and we are co-creating which of these tools work best for you and your life. 


Strategies to tame your Impostor

This session is a continuation of the discussion and exploration of the various tools and strategies of the previous week and extending the resources with more tools. 
There will be a lot of group and individual work to gain more clarity and trust in yourself that you can lower the volume of your self-doubt and impostor chatter in your head. 


What’s next for you?

This is a celebration of our journey together. A celebration of who you are becoming and what you are creating in this world with all the conscious choices that you are making every day.
This is a crucial part of the journey – as becoming aware and acknowledging the struggles, the path, ourselves and each other as well as celebrating them, is part of what makes these habits and practices stick and become part of who you are! 

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